Sky Sports presenter, Olivia Wayne Has Been in the News


About Olivia Wayne. The world’s most famous woman seems to be enjoying a bit of a media renaissance at the moment, perhaps because of the award-winning TV dramas “The Girls Who Go To High,” and “period.” She is the world-famous daughter of a former Prime Minister and is described by one British newspaper as the Queen of Sports journalists. Although she began her career as a secretary to John Major and the present Prime Minister, she ended up becoming one of the top sports reporters in the world.

About Olivia Wayne: This morning, I was looking at the New York Post Facebook page, and there was an article discussing the world renowned mother of three, Olivia Wayne, in the news. She was described in detail, with much praise coming from those that have known her for her work as a sports reporter. She has covered quite a few high profile events, including the Melbourne Grand Prix, Vuitton Paris Tour, tennis matches, as well as Olympic Games. This is not the first time she’s been in the news due to her profession. She previously worked for the Sunday Times, before heading to Sky.

The article included this comment from the mother of one of her six children, regarding the death of her mother, Kavita Channe. Olivia said that she had known Kavita since childhood, and that they had shared “a love of adventure” which has been the source of their professional relationship. It also stated that Olivia has always been supportive of her mother, and that they always enjoyed spending time together when they were in town. It went on to say that both of them enjoyed their time away from home, and that their combined experiences made them a team that always found itself in difficult situations. The comments left on the Facebook article by the mother, included this interesting quote: “I am certain that whenever Olivia has needed me, she has turned to me.”
