New Female Vogue Star – Olivia Lazuardy of Idol on American Idol


Do you remember the television show Orange is the new black, or Idol, where Opanka was an aging, hungry, old woman who attempted to be a pop star? She had all of the typical attributes of an aging, broke artist trying to come back to the limelight: bad hair, bad skin, bad manners, etc. Now we have another contestant on American Idol, another version of the same old theme. This time, it’s Olivia Lazuardy, a Canadian, who will be making her debut on American Idol and performing under the name “Olivia.”

Biography: Who else is involved with this show? Age: Olivia Lazuardy is actually twenty (born in Scarborough, New York), and has been playing the character of “Olivia” on Nickelodeon for over 24 years. Where did she come from?

Profession: What profession is she in right now? Fashion design, television, film, singing – or is it all one and the same? Her acting career began during the height of the Spice Girl/ Fame girl craze, and she has been featured in some high-budget films as well. Her latest video, however, as you might expect, is not related to music at all, and it is a very different kind of fashion video – it’s a very stylized video for an extremely popular fashion brand, and that just happens to be hosted by one of the top female celebrities in the world, as well as one of the biggest stars in Hollywood right now. Will she win?
