Was Olivia Nachle a Gothic Princess?


The world of art and celebrity often gets a bad rap, but Olivia Nachle certainly didn’t help her reputation when she was found dead in her bathtub at home. The fact that she had been nude in the bath should have been a warning to anyone who might think about using her home as a canvas. The fact that she was nude also raises questions as to her motive for taking the bath, as it suggests that she may have been trying to clean or eliminate some type of ailment. There is no physical evidence that she was having an affair, so this theory is purely a supposition. Her death has led many to speculate that she was somehow involved in satanic rituals, but no one has ever come forward to tell such a story.

Height and sexuality were not the only things that Olivia was involved in. She was also extremely involved with Nationality. Nationality is a very interesting aspect of the mosaic of interests that was encompassing her. Although she was American by birth, she was interested in European art and sculpture at the same time. She was very unhappy with the way that her body was classified and had even considered changing her name to match that of the rich. Even after she was widowed, she constantly checked into dresses and made efforts to fit into society’s perception of what woman should look like.

Besides her interest in art, she was extremely interested in food, reading books on French cooking and writing cookbooks. This combination of interests in food, writing and her interest in other people’s lives makes her seem a little quirky, yet these are all subjects that come easy to the Gothic woman. It is hard not to feel a certain amount of admiration for someone who took the time to learn about a subject as important as food and cooking. We may never know if Olivia Nachle was a Gothic princess, but the chances are good that she was in a class of her own. Her death has led many to speculate that she may have been a candidate for the Gothic lifestyle, for she was interested in every way other than being considered a “normal” girl.
