Love And Nationality


The relationship between Olivia Felicite-bergman and her two partners, Daniel Grigori and Michael Grigori, started on a happier note. The couple met in 1990 in Italy and since then their relationship has blossomed. They are happily involved in their careers, both in the restaurant business and in running a hotel. Despite their professions, however, they were never able to leave behind their national identity as Romanians. They both felt that the only way to make their relationships with each other stronger was to maintain their national identity.

When the relationship started to decline, Daniel and Olivia decided to separate. However, Daniel and his family didn’t want him to separate because he always made sure that his family was taken care of. The problem is that they all had different cultural backgrounds: his family came from Spain, his partner came from Romania, his sister came from Germany… All of them brought their own traditions and ideas to the marriage. This caused a lot of friction between them, especially since they couldn’t see eye-to-eye about the way their culture would be interpreted by the other party. Once they decided to separate, Daniel and Olivia started working on different problems: how to adjust to their national identity and how to deal with their heritage and national pride. This was their struggle for love.

In the end, Daniel and Olivia finally decided to get married, but not before Daniel dyed his natural red hair and beard to resemble his Romanian heritage. It didn’t work and when they decided to have children, Daniel and Olivia realized that they had to give up their cultural differences in order for them to remain happily together. And they did. Now they are happily celebrating their 7 year anniversary as husband and wife.
