Does Olivia Trappeniers Have a Very Large Penis?


Olivia Trappeniers is a Canadian actress, model and singer. The first time I saw her name in print was in a music video for a song called “Take Me Away”. In that video she had a rather large penis that looked about the size of an adult toy doll. For someone who claims to be an artist and also has a large penis size, this is not the kind of image that you would want to project to your potential partner. And yet, on some odd YouTube video clip, she proudly displays her hefts from a press photo shoot for a Canadian fashion magazine.

The question I have for you now is, does Ms. Trappeniers have a very large penis, as she boasts on her website? If so, then it is probably because of the Hump. Or maybe he is simply blessed with natural good looks, and quite a career as a model and singer. Whatever the case, I can tell you that there is no connection between her size and her career success. Her success was built on other factors. In fact, she proudly states on her website that she’s “been married twice and had 3 children and now do marriage”.

What really matters to me is what she represents as a human being, and not what she represents physically. A person with such views is not someone that I would want to have as a partner in life, let alone a muse or partner in work. This is why I would love to see more balance between the two genders when it comes to sex and romance.
