80’s Fashion Trends


80’s Fashion Trends

Now that the “Hollywood” era of fashion is finally coming to a close, we are faced with the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to choose from one of the many great 80’s fashion trends that will be featured in the new line of hip, urban clothing that is brought to you by New Balance. The new line of casual and sporty shoes, sandals, earrings, hats, and jewelry will bring back the signature styles of the decade but also pay homage to the more youthful aspects of the decade as well. From fun, bold colors, to fun, funky patterns and vibrant accessories, the new collection from New Balance will be a hit on both sides of the fashion spectrum. Let’s take a look at some of the best and most popular trends from the past decade…

If you’re looking for a great fashion trend that kids are digging, it’s the “semi-trailer” look. Complete with oversized shoes, skinny jeans, and a t-shirt topped with a graphic tee, this trend is fun for both teens and tweens and is probably more recognizable than any other fashion trend currently on the market right now. Another great 80’s fashion trend that has found a huge following is the “Don’t Call Me Baby” shirt, which is essentially a shirt that says, “I’m not your mama” on the front.

One of the more unique fashion trends from the eighties was the “hair tie,” which involved attaching a hair tie to one’s ponytail and pulling it down over their eyes as a sort of hat. Another 80’s fad was the “Scoopette” look, which involved wearing long skirts and Capri pants to look like an Italian peasant girl. These trends may be a thing of the past, but remember that nothing is forever. We are constantly seeing fresh new looks being worn by celebrities and everyday people alike. So get out there and try a few of these 80’s fashion trends; you never know when they’ll hit big!
