2021 Faced W Fashion Trend


2021 Fwed’s latest trend is definitely futuristic glam rock. Glam rock is a look that was introduced by the punk/alternative rock era. This look is very sexy, feminine, and has a very loose fit. You will see many women wearing this fashion style this season at Fashion Week New York. Here we take a look at the trend and where you can get it.

The most popular look this year is the black skirt and white shirt that is worn by many in the streets. If you are not familiar with this fashion style, it is a very loose fitting pantsuit that usually has a very big front pockets. It is cut straight across the top of the hips with no flair but is usually adorned with some small flower prints or logos on the rear pockets area. It is great for both work and pleasure.

For women who want to try something a little different at Fashion Week, we suggest getting a pair of these pantsuits and trying something new. Wear something bold like a solid color that is usually not seen at Fashion Week, or wear something a little more conservative like a plaid skirt or dress. Just remember to bring the spice to your look this year. If you do not know where you can find these trends, follow us on Twitter for some great ideas.
