Bulldogs On Parade


Let’s talk about the future of the Bulldogs and where on earth they will fit into all of this. The Bulldogs are part of an emerging sub-culture in the UK that is taking on a new and exciting force in British Fashion. The Dogs have been around for a little while but their time has certainly come and with it a brand new, modern take on British Fashion. With the recent popularity of bands like Blur, Kings Of Leisure and Kasabian, it is fair to say that the style of clothing worn by these bands is setting the pace for a new and bolder generation of clothing and of fashion in the UK.

So where does this leave Bulldogs fans when it comes to looking forward to the 21st Century? Well, it looks as though Bulldogs fans might not have to look very far if they wish to be in on the next fashion trend. Fashion trends are always changing and to follow current fashions and styles without trying to follow the latest gizmos and gadgets available is simply brilliant. It is good to see that fashion designers and manufacturers are finally realizing that there is a big market for what used to be called the traditional look; after all, most people grew up believing that they were way back when.

In fact, the first British fashion trend I can remember was probably the “jacket and trousers” look. These were made of a dark, solid color fabric and came complete with a rolled neck. I can still remember the days whenever you would wear such clothing and nothing else. It was just perfect! Nowadays, things are a lot more different as traditional clothing is making a comeback and for many people, it makes a lot more sense to follow current fashion trends rather than go with something vintage and weird. The only other thing that I would add is that you should definitely invest in a nice pair of leather pants because it is quite an important fashion trend.
