1970 Men’s Fashion Trends


There was a time when the 1970’s were considered the “ays” of men’s fashion and many men looked to these fashion trends as an excuse to wear some really bad clothing. In the past, if you wanted to wear something that was on trend you had to either go to a tailor or buy it from an extremely large clothing store with lots of frills and a wide variety of patterns on the clothes racks. The main point of these fashion trends was to draw attention to the person wearing them and not really worry too much about what the rest of society thought of their appearance. Since this was not the case any longer, let’s take a look at some of the more popular and current fashion trends for men.

This year’s hottest men’s fashion trends are very simple yet incredibly stylish. Men are finally learning to mix and match items like neckties with suits, trousers with shorts, and suits with t-shirts and other outerwear. These days, instead of having to constantly change your clothing to keep up with the ever changing trends, you can actually rely on the current ones and make them work for you. There is really no need to purchase an entire wardrobe of different items for every day of the week because now you can just pick one thing and make it your whole wardrobe. This can be a great way to build a little bit of a wardrobe without being stuck with just one or two pieces.

One thing that is very interesting about this current generation of men’s fashion trends is that they are taking their look outside of the traditional clothing that we are all used to. This means that you will see less of the typical trench coat and jeans combination and more of a smarter look. Men have finally gotten the message and are wearing clothing that actually looks good and makes them look smart. This may sound like a statement in itself, but it is nothing that is new. Even before the 1970’s, men were trying to find ways to make themselves look better and dorkier.
