1950 Fashion Trends in the Philippines


The 1950 Fashion Trends in the Philippines were a direct result of the American occupation that the country faced after the World War II. It was during that time that Americans were allowed in to the country. They brought with them the fashion sense that they brought with them, and it stuck. In the Philippines, this fashion sense became known as “western style”. Most Americans who entered the country during that time also brought their own unique fashion sense that they brought along with them.

Here in the Philippines, what we call today as western fashion is what Americans called “Filipino Style”. This fashion has its own uniqueness and it is something that the people here in the Philippines are very proud of. This unique fashion sense started way back then when American servicemen were still around in the Philippines. It has been said that they were the ones who first introduced the style to the Filipinos but this is not entirely true. There are many other contributors to the birth of this fashion too. All these contribute to the unique culture and personality of the Philippines.

You see, American soldiers were mostly from the West Coast of the United States and thus were the ones who brought with them this kind of fashion sense. There is also this school of thought that says that it really was an American invasion in the Philippines when the Americans first exposed this style there. Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure, this fashion has definitely made its way into the lives of Filipinos and is now being widely appreciated there. It has also made the Filipinos realize that they are a part of the world and that they have to be conscious of the trends that are going on in the world and also in the country.
