Fashion Trends From 1948 to Present


1948 was a great year for the fashion world as many fashion trends set the tone for what would follow. As I write about the 1948 fashion and clothing year I find that many of the fashions of that year have faded, while newer fashions have taken their place. For the most part the women of this day and age are more fashion conscious than they were in the past. If you take a look at the older generations you will see them wearing clothing that has not been worn very long, and if you take a look at the younger generations you will see them sporting clothing that is much more fashionable. It is amazing how much different our style of dressing has become.

The year’s changes began with the arrival of the jet age, which was a decade and a half after the end of the World War II. This was a time when there was a huge focus on clothing for the military as well as a focus on creating the perfect work uniform for those working in industries associated with war. This new focus in clothing creation also extended to clothing for civilians, and this turned out to be a huge boon for the fashion industry. This new interest in clothes led to the creation of a whole new style of clothing.

The fashions of the time focused more on women looking chic, sexy, and elegant, and they were not afraid to show a bit of skin. In fact, women of the time often showed more skin than ever, and this became all the more popular. Clothing for women in this era focused more on showing the skin as well as showing off one’s legs, and this became all the more popular. Other areas of clothing were also influenced by this new focus on women’s fashion, such as jewelry. Many people believe this was the start of the birth of jewelry in the modern era.
