Popular Fashion Trends of the 1935 Fashion Guidelines


Popular Fashion Trends of the 1935 Fashion Guidelines

During the early part of this decade, fashion was not what it is today. Men and women alike flocked to the fashion boutiques in search of new designs. Some fashions were popular at that time like the pajama suits, Bermuda shorts and polo shirts, but many fashions never made it past the test of time because they were considered too trendy. These kinds of trends usually faded away before they hit the next season. There were some fashion designers who bucked the trend by creating the very popular styles that we see today; it just takes a little bit of research on the fashions of that era to find out what some of the best fashion statements were.

The most popular fashion trends of the time were typically dark shades of gray. That trend was mostly followed by both men and women, but there were a few fashion designers who started to experiment with bolder colors. Those fashion trends included bright orange, fuchsia, yellow, green and blue. Many of these brighter hues became popular shades for weddings and parties.

One popular type of clothing that fell out of favor in the’1935 fashion trends’ were the frilly skirts that were so popular in earlier times. These skirts usually had pleats in the back and fronts in white or other bright colors. This style seemed to be a big no-no with the’1935 fashion guidelines’ and was pretty much left alone for the time being. However, in time, as the world started to open up a bit more, and people began to feel comfortable wearing more vibrant and eye-catching colors, the skirt seemed to have found a second life.
