Why You Should Buy a Smiley Flames T-Shirt


Why You Should Buy a Smiley Flames T-Shirt

In the latest comeback trailer for the movie “The Hangover”, Brad Pitt was seen sporting a unique t-shirt which features a slogan from one of his many acting roles,” Smiley Flames”. The Chinatown Market in Los Angeles is also where Smiley Flames T-shirts were first made. One of the main characters in the movie Michael Myers is wearing a white t-shirt that says simply, “Smiley Flames”. It is not clear whether this was just an action shot or if there were any underlying meanings to the design. No one knows the true story behind this slogan but one thing is certain, it has become a very popular item among fans of the movie and upon seeing it on a real t-shirt, it seems as though they all think it means exactly what it says.

Brad Pitt is one of the many actors that have worn the Smiley Flames t-shirt in the movie and there are many people who have since bought a second one just so they could proudly sport the same symbol on their bodies. Of course the real attraction is probably the slogan and anyone who have seen the movie would agree with me when I say that the phrase really does say something about life itself. It is an optimistic and funny slogan which promotes the idea that sometimes even the ugliest of the ugly gets a second chance at a good role. Even the toughest character in the most lovable films can wear a shirt like this and make a statement about life itself.

If you have the opportunity to own a Smiley Flames t-shirt, do not let it pass up because it is a great design. Anyone who goes by the movies or who has ever been to Los Angeles will be able to tell you how much the Chinatown Market is symbolic of everything that the city stands for. When more films like The Hangover are made this slogan will once again be a staple of mainstream culture and everyone will sport a shirt like this, no matter what country they live in. As long as there is a movie being made, people from Los Angeles are going to be wearing the Smiley Flames t-shirts and creating a comeback for this popular slogan.
