A Feather Fashion Trend For the 21st Century


The feather fashion trend of the 21st century is sure to make a splash when it returns. Many fashion gurus have predicted that feather fashion will be back in vogue in the near future and have already begun promoting their feather pieces, be it shoes, scarves, headbands or any other fashion accessories. Some fashion experts are even saying that feather fashion will become a permanent fixture in women’s fashion. That would be a big jump forward in fashion history. Feathers were long a staple in women’s fashions, but were often dismissed as too delicate for the more fashion forward men.

With the current feather fashion trend, women’s fashion is finally taking a giant leap into the 21st century. This year, the London Fashion Week has held the first ever London Fashion Week Festival, where designers had an opportunity to show off their latest designs. Not only was there a heavy emphasis on denim and other casual clothes, there was a strong emphasis on women’s fashion and the feather fashion trends. In addition to the fine jewelry and clothing, there was also a lot of flash that was created with the use of feathers. The fine jewelry was inspired by the London Fashion Week and the scarves and capes in particular were heavily promoted.

Even though it may be some time before feather fashion becomes a permanent part of women’s fashions, it is certainly making a splash. The designs that are currently using feathers as part of their themes are taking advantage of the current feather fashion trend. There is certainly no telling how much further the trend will take once it makes its way into mainstream fashion.
