Fashion Vs Trend Vs Style


Fashion Vs Trend Vs Style

In the fight between fashion and trend, who are you going to side with? Fashion has always been in the forefront of changing the fashion world and showing the new styles that were not known previously. Trends have come and gone over the years, but fashion always remains in the forefront with new styles constantly coming onto the scene. Some people believe that fashion is the way that everything changes; however nothing could be farther from the truth. Trends come and go but fashion remains constant and it is the trends that come to the forefront that has become the talk of the town for a short period of time.

When it comes to comparing fashion vs trend or fashion vs style, one would have to ask themselves what they think is more important to wearing a particular piece of clothing. Fashion is what people go to shows and wear to weddings, along with trends that are currently in fashion; however the style is what is being worn at most events. When discussing which is more important in fashion, it would have to be style because without it you cannot call anything fashion. Fashion is what people discuss when they go to a fashion show and what is being worn; however, style is what is being worn while people walk down the street.

So if fashion is what is making the big headlines, then what is really more important in fashion; fashion vs trend or style? Fashion is what everyone wears, but what is more interesting is the debate as to whether or not style is more important than fashion. Fashion is something that just about everyone thinks is cool and stylish and everyone dresses according to the fashion, but fashion is just a label. So the real question would be; what do you think is more important in fashion?
