Fashion Trends From India


The other half of the dilemma for those people in the west (like me) who are catching up with fashion trends is understanding the Indian perspective on fashion. When it comes to fashion, India is usually left out of the equation and is often stereotyped as a backwards, less-developed country. However, this is not entirely true. Fashion in India has evolved and changed along with the times and so has the society in India. Fashion trends from India come across as fresh, innovative, trendy and fashionable.

Indian Fashion Trends Like I said earlier, India has been stereotyped and left out of fashion trends but fashion here is always changing and showing new trends and cutting-edge designs. Fashion in India has shown a distinct taste of variation with regards to fabric, color, cuts, patterns and trend. One can easily find different fashion trends in Indian Fashion trends from the West, which depicts rich and elegant to rustic and ethnic Indian fashion.

Fashion in India began showing the global scene when fashion was first showcased in India. However, the Indian fashion industry has only really begun to grow and blossom as of late. Fashion in India has become more popular among the masses in the last few years. This is because Indians have finally started to realize that they can actually look and feel good about themselves if they look good and try to dress well. Fashion trends in India also have to do with the increasing prominence of Bollywood in the country and the international popularity of Indian stars like Aishwarya Rai and Ranbir Kapoor. International stars are also starting to get interested in dressing up and looking good in India, which is a definite attraction for fashion lovers.
