Fashion Trend Analytics


Fashion trend analysis is used to identify the emerging trends and fashion styles in the world of fashion today. Trends are generally determined through historical observation, but sometimes are shaped by more conscious decisions made by designers, retailers, and consumers. Fashion trend forecasting is a process that evaluates these trends before they emerge. By predicting where the trends might take fashion, a greater opportunity exists for the fashion marketer to successfully ride the trend out and earn the largest possible market share.

During modern history, fashion trends have historically been largely based on instinct and forecasts. Fashion editors constantly highlighted what people in the street wanted to wear. With the rise of consumer choices, some fashions became necessities instead of just what was “in.” Advances in technology, manufacturing, and communications, however, have allowed for easier forecasting of fashion trends. Using sophisticated models and mathematical formulas, fashion trend analytics has greatly improved the accuracy with which fashion specialists determine which styles and trends will reach and remain in fashion.

Fashion trend analytics is now a fundamental part of fashion forecasting. Increasingly, fashion analysts use computer models, mathematical equations, and sophisticated mathematical formulas to forecast styles and trends. These tools are widely available for use in the business and marketing fields, but real-time analytics has been especially useful to fashion marketers.
