How Is the Summer Trends For Next Summer?


How Is the Summer Trends For Next Summer?

The summer of 2021 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting fashion years in recent memory. With the release of movies such as The Social Network and The Pirates of The Caribbean, more people are tuning into fashion more closely than ever before. While many of the trends we saw in the past may have seemed a bit overdone at the time, what we are seeing in fashion trends now will seem as fresh and new as it will in a few years.

One thing that many people will surely be looking for in fashion this season is a return to the vintage look. Fashion experts agree that there are currently no other times in the year when vintage fashions are as stylish or as sought after as they are right now. “There’s something about the air of finery and fussiness of vogue pastels that just lends itself to the timeless look,” says Jennifer Guttan, editor in chief of Modern Mechanic magazine. “The trick is to make sure the clothes you choose don’t signal that the trend is gone forever.”

Another great fashion trend expected to make an appearance this summer is skinny jeans. “People are tired of looking frumpy and they’re ready to do something different,” says Gudakunst. “This is the perfect time for those who want a more fashionable yet edgy pair of jeans,” she continues. “Slim and sleek jeans are back in style.”
