Emerging Fashion Trends 2100


Here is a quick overview of the emerging fashion trends for the year 2100. First, I want to congratulate everyone on the successful conclusion of the 2021’s fashion decade. It marked the end of the decade of unattractive over-scrubs and plastic-built clothing. This brought a great deal of attention to those fashion designers that were able to create clothing that was not constructed by human hands. Many of these clothing designers went on to create their own lines of clothing, while others went into television and movie designing careers. One of the most successful fashion designers of our time is Calvin Klein.

The next popular fashion fad will be flannel clothing. Flannel is a fabric that were once the most expensive material used in outerwear but has now become a staple in many different clothing lines. It is extremely warm and soft against the skin, making it ideal for sweaters, coats, hats, and even jeans!

Finally, for anyone that wants to get into the hottest fashion trends of the coming year 2100 here is a quick review of what is hot and not so hot: high waisted pants. These are great for adding a touch of zest to a normal wardrobe, but you will definitely need some tops to round out the effect. Other clothing styles that are making a splash in the ever-fashionable and ever-stylish 2100 are leggings, boho boots, and vintage inspired outfits.
