Eco Friendly Fashion Trends and Their Effect on the Environment


Eco friendly fashion trends are changing the way that we dress. These trendy and eco-friendly fashions are becoming more popular, and their impact is spreading beyond the clothing industry. The fashion industry, which traditionally has been focused on producing durable, highly effective clothes, is recognizing the importance of sustainability in the fashion and design process. The result is a new focus on the development and manufacture of organic, sustainable clothing that is more affordable and accessible to a greater number of people. In addition, eco-friendly fashion inspires consumers to use and wear products that are better for the environment.

Sustainable fashion is a consciously directed movement and ongoing process of promoting sustainable change in the fashion industry and product textiles towards greater social justice and environmental integrity. Sustainable fashion focuses more on the development and manufacture of organic, sustainable clothing rather than simply addressing traditional fashion textiles. The focus is on incorporating ethical and fair trade practices, and reducing the use of harsh chemicals. In addition to being better for the environment, sustainable fashion encourages consumers to use and purchase products that are better for their own bodies and lifestyles.

While previous efforts at the federal level have not addressed the environmental issues faced by the modern apparel industry, recent years have seen some policy changes that could greatly impact the fashion industry. For example, in 2021 the CFDA (Compact for Safe Cosmetics) was introduced, making it easier for companies to comply with its antibacterial requirements. Also in 2021 the European Union banned the use of lead in any type of cosmetic product. With these recent developments hopefully more pressure will be placed on the major fashion companies to make healthier choices for their consumers.
