The Growing Ethical Trends of Eco Fashion


Eco fashion is a contemporary movement and philosophy of fostering environmental change through the use of fashion – specifically clothing – and fashion systems towards greater social justice and environmental conscience. Eco fashion aims more at addressing the global fashion industry than simply addressing fashion textiles or garments. It includes addressing the entire system of fashion from production to consumption. The philosophy and concepts of eco fashion are based on three key perspectives: human rights, respect for the planet, and responsibility and knowledge.

Humans are considered the number one contributors to the deterioration of the environment through the majority of their impact on the planet’s surface. Embracing the rights of humans and equating them with the preservation of the planet is one of the ethical decisions eco-fashion designers have made. The belief that everyone has the right to exist, as well as the responsibility to contribute to environmental conservation is another ethical aspect Eco fashion designers have taken into consideration. Lastly, respecting the human dignity of the people who make clothing and ensuring that clothing does not contribute to or come in contact with unwashed/uniforms made from sweats produced by slave labor are ethical decisions eco-fashion designers have made. The respect and responsibility aspects of eco fashion are intrinsic to the ethical code of eco fashion as a whole.

Fashion today is often geared towards comfort and has very little concern for those who wear it. The reduction in ethical practices in clothing production has made ethical fashion an important aspect of the fashion industry. Ethical fashion, also called eco fashion, has taken on many forms. Organic clothing, which consist of only organic fibers; fair trade clothing produced with the assistance of labor and other non-exploitative methods; and pre-war and post-wear processes have all become integral elements of eco fashion. In the past, eco fashion tended to focus primarily on textiles, as they were the easiest to obtain and create. Today, eco clothing encompasses all types of clothing – both apparel and accessories – and is offered by a large number of companies both online and off.
