Exhibiting in the Nationality of Isabelle Albuquerque


Isabelle Albuquerque is an artist from the Southern California area who currently resides in New York City. Her art has showcased at many prestigious venues, including the prestigious Salon Grand Central in New York, Lincoln Center and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Her style is bold and vibrant. Her works often portray Mexican stereotypes and other topics that are relevant to today’s world. Her colorful paintings have earned her the admiration of many people, both Mexican and non-Mexican.

Isabelle Albuquerque was born in Mexico and grew up in Southern California. Her early years were spent as a student in schools that focused on art. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Santa Barbara College with a concentration in Graphic Communication and Visual Arts. After that she joined the Peace Corp., where she pursued a Master of Fine Arts, concentrating in Textile Design. Isabelle Albuquerque then attended the College of Contemporary Arts in Los Angeles, graduating in 2021 with a B.A. in Textile Design and Illustration.

Isabelle Albuquerque studied art theory, fine arts, photography, drawing and painting. In 2021 she was hired by the National Park Service to create a robotic animal companion to serve as an informative guide at the Hoover Dam. The robot, called Servo, could interact with visitors and asked some questions about the area. Later that year Albuquerque was chosen as one of the “Chosen Six” for the X Prize in America’s Creativity competition. She was later given a commission to create a large-scale sculpture and was presented with a check for one million dollars.
