What Does the Royal Ratio Mean?


Recently we have been hearing a lot of stories about Isabelle Rossa, a.k.a. Queen of Spain, who by the way was born in Austria where her exact birth date is not known. However, there are speculations as to whether or not this is the same woman that Napoleon Bonaparte supposedly married when he was fifteen years old and who is supposed to be his mother. Many people are curious as to how much accuracy there can really be in determining a woman’s exact age but whatever the case may be, it is certain that the Queen of Spain does possess quite an unusual height difference which has left many men considering marriage with her just because she is shorter than them.

While some consider this to be simply because of the kind of career that she had which involved general teaching, others point out that there is more to it than that. It is said that Queen Isabelle could easily outdistance anyone that is taller than her by several inches in height no matter what profession they were in. This then leads one to ask; “Is there any correlation between her royal background and her height difference?” One answer might be yes and the other answer might be no.

According to several reports, Queen Isabelle was actually a very tall (5′ 7″) girl who became the Queen of Spain, Naples and Sicily after the deposition of Kingaldo in the thirteenth century. It is said that this Princess had been cursed by the devil in order to be short in height and as such this curse caused her to be very short (around two feet). She was married to the Emperor Charles V who was a very tall man himself and so it is believed that the length of the marriage and the fact that Charles V was not tall himself contributed to the reason that Isabelle Rossa became royal. Was Queen Isabelle really cursing to become royal? Some claim that it is so and while some may not believe it is the explanation that may prove to be the most fitting, there are those that will say that whatever the reason, this is definitely an instance where a superstition became a fact and actually effected a major change in the life of Queen Isabelle.
