Isabelle Kaif: Height Difference Or Talent?


Isabelle Kaif is famous for her tall and slim looks, which are definitely appealing to many men and women. This actress has been called in some of the best films of recent years, including the superhit India’s version of Fifty Shades of Grey and the upcoming Love Actually film. In the recent International Courier interview, Kaif talked about her personal life, her acting skills and the role she feels she has to play, Age. She talks about her role as a teacher in the film, and also talks about her love for her Indian heritage and her desire to make a difference in the world.

Age is a coming-of-age story that centers on the lives of three generations in Mumbai, all of whom are coming into their adult lives. Kaif, who is Indian-born, describes her character Age as ‘very strong’ – that she was able to cope with the abuse and violence her family faced at such a young age, and that she managed to grow up gracefully despite her circumstances. Isabelle Kaif goes on to talk about working in Singapore, sharing how her experiences there shaped her career and how she found freedom and a sense of self. The actress talks about her determination to be a successful actress and how she plans to ‘break the glass ceiling’. She refers to her success as her passport to becoming a success in the film industry in India.

Her marriage to Sankrit has also had an impact on her career, with the actress describing their marriage as a ‘beautiful relationship’. She talks about how they have created a strong bond between themselves, despite their height difference. She talks about the importance of marriage and family, reiterating that she believes in the importance of being true to oneself. Finally, Isabelle Kaif discusses her love for children and her desire to help young people in their childhood development. Viewers will get to see this multi-faceted actor in action once again, playing the mother in an emotionally packed romantic film such as Age of Consent.
