What Can Be Done About An Height Difference?


Maya Faris had been with her partner for almost six years. She has always thought of herself as a good cook and always thought of her mother as her hero. When it came to fitting in at an international school, she always struggled and never made it because of her height and the cultural expectations placed on her. The more she tried, the more she shied away from wearing high heels. She tried different styles of shoes, but nothing ever seemed to work quite right for her. This lead her to wonder what it was that kept her so tall as a child, and how did she cope with the cultural expectations for her height when she grew into an adult?

Height can be an issue, no matter what profession you are in or what country you live in. For many people, they think that if you are taller, then you are happier. While this may not always be true, there are some professions that will allow for larger frames. For example, if you are an accountant, a corporate manager, a teacher or a nurse, then being taller may not be an issue in these types of professions.

But when it comes to the working world, things can become very complicated. In many cases, working in high pressure environments can cause an increase in height difference. If you are working as a dishwasher in an airport, then you will not be able to have footwear with heels that high. However, being an accountant or a corporate manager in a high rise building can cause you to be taller than you expect. If you are unsure as to what height you need to be, your best bet is to go to a doctor to have yourself measured professionally so that you can begin implementing a healthy lifestyle that will benefit your height difference.
