Information Regarding Maya Raichel


Maya Raichel, who is a dual national of both Ireland and Netherlands, has been in the spotlight of the past few years due to her controversial and public persona. Born as Felicia Raichel on August 4, 1981 in Waterford, Ireland, Maya Raichel’s parents were Italian immigrants who had made their way to Ireland. Her original Irish name was Ms Maria Corless. She was raised in Waterford by her mother and grandmother.

Raichel is an accomplished woman both in terms of educational and athletic accomplishments. She has been awarded numerous degrees by two of the most prominent universities in Ireland, namely Trinity College and University College, as well as the University of Amsterdam. She joined the prestigious roster of members of the Order of the Irish Cross with the Order of St. John, which is an indication of her outstanding service to her community both as a student and as a professional.

Maya Raichel is not just the face of an Irish-Netherland dual nationality, however. She is also an accomplished and charismatic woman, a talented actress and singer who can sing gracefully and perform with ease on the stage. She has also managed to establish a strong identity outside of her dual nationality and has become known for her wide range of artistic pursuits including acting, directing and writing. Raichel is not merely an Irish woman; she is an international woman in every sense of the word and as such, is able to cope with the many challenges of her profession and lifestyle.
