History and Current Conditions of Maya Bora Island


Maya Bora is a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean of Sri Lanka, where it is surrounded by hundreds of islands and surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Thailand. Maya Bora is also known as New Society Island and is a very beautiful destination for a holiday that is filled with wonderful scenery, beaches, natural wonders, ancient ruins, tropical reefs and diving spots that have made this island a popular place to visit for many people in the world. It is situated in the region of Efate, on the west coast of India, and is visited by a large number of tourists who enjoy the natural beauty and the peace that it offers. The most important element of Maya Bora tourism is that the whole place is populated by people of different nationalities. The people are divided into Tamiti, Sinhala, Andaman, and various other local tribes who live together in peace and harmony, forming a community that are as varied as their surroundings.

This community consists of teachers, doctors, engineers, clerks, accountants, students, government officials, writers, businessmen, musicians, house wives, farmers, and even fishermen who together form a community that is almost an ethnic group. The local cuisine is predominantly Sinhala influenced with coconut oil, fish curry and chutneys. The culture of Maya Bora has been influenced by its Tamil community, which is a prominent social and cultural group that has lived in Bora since time immemorial. Tamil songs and dances are a major part of the culture of this beautiful island and they are performed at many festivals including the famous Asha Balinese festival. The main religion of Maya Bora is Buddhism, but there are Hindu and Muslim communities who follow their own religions or are assimilated into the larger Buddhist community.

If you are not originally from the Indian mainland, or do not have citizenship of India, your only nationality is that of your native country. Maya Bora comprises an area of approximately 13Km by road and there are many hotels in this area catering to nationalities of different origins. This makes it easy to get a room and stay in one of the many cheaply available Maya Bora resorts that are located nearby, if you wish to enjoy the local flavor. You will definitely enjoy the tropical weather in this part of Borneo.
