Tippie- Maya HGH – The Height Fix


The Tippie- Maya Hgh or Tippie- Maya as she is sometimes called is an artificial height regulation introduced to the country by President Bill Clinton in order to assist the thousands of children growing up in the United States who suffers from short height or stunted growth due to their parents being short. Clinton’s Tippie-Maya program was designed to allow parents to use performance enhancing drugs (PED) in an attempt to give their children a short height boost but without putting their health at risk by potentially doing harm to their body and their long term health. While there was an initial push for the Tippie-Maya height fixing program, it soon evolved into a way of policing racial and ethnic differences in height that could potentially pit one race against another in athletic competitions, while still maintaining that the short height or stunted growth was not due to any unhealthy lifestyles. To date, the Tippie-Maya program continues to be a contentious issue throughout the world. While some nations have banned the practice completely, others continue to use the Tippie system in an effort to create balance in their national athletic competitions.

While the Tippie-Maya Height Fixes is indeed an artificial way of regulating one’s height, it is far from perfect and in actuality, is only a slight improvement over the natural human growth hormone that one produces naturally without the use of an artificial medium. Human growth hormone is the key chemical in our bodies that helps us build and repair our muscles, bones, organs, tissues and muscles over time. While it is critical to the normal growth and repair of our bodies that human growth hormone is produced naturally, we still need the production of human growth hormone in our bodies to keep us healthy and strong during our young adult years and even after we are past the normal age of puberty.

If we were ever to eliminate the production of human growth hormone altogether, we would have nothing to replace it with, thus losing the purpose and benefits of using the Tippie- Maya Height Fix in order to increase our height. However, by making slight adjustments to the formula used in the Tippie- Maya Height Fix, we can greatly increase the levels of human growth hormone that our bodies produce naturally without resorting to an artificial medium such as the Tippie- Maya HGH. Thus, we can enjoy increased height and fullness of skin and hair with the assistance of this all natural method of height increasing.
