Personality Versus Business


A fast-rising star in the world of motivational speakers, Angie Scarth-johnson is currently becoming known as a world class speaker and trainer. She has been an invited speaker at colleges and businesses worldwide as a key personality in network marketing and personal development. Her speaking engagements and training courses have been viewed by thousands of people and marketers as essential tools for creating a more successful life path for themselves and their families.

In a nutshell, Angie Scarth-Johnson is a former stockbroker turned life coach and professional coach. While some may question her education, degree and business background, there are some who question her authenticity and personality. Her current clients list includes some very high profile personalities in the US and abroad. These people include; politicians, corporate leaders, celebrities, and motivational speakers. A quick perusal through the Angie Scarth-johnson website will reveal her wide array of business and personal contacts, which span the globe.

It’s clear that what separates Angie Scarth-johnson from other speakers is her ability to connect with the audience on an intuitive level. As a result, many people have viewed her as a unique personality who has discovered powerful and unique ways to help others develop their business and personal relationships. As a motivational speaker, one must remember that the audience is not simply there to listen. They are there to be inspired and change their own lives by listening to a powerful speaker who shares stories of how she has overcome obstacles to achieve success and what makes her so passionate about helping others achieve theirs.
