Height Discrimination & Whiteness Fluctuation


A recent news story reported that National Bar Association President Angie Lum said “height is a social issue that we’re going to have to deal with”. In the past, she has often talked about how she feels height discrimination affects negatively the lives of minorities. Now that she is the President of the National Bar Association, I guess that might change! I have to ask if Ms. Lum has ever actually stood in a bar and talked to someone who is shorter than she is? It seems like an odd way for her to look at the world, but maybe that’s just because she is so used to being judged on merit alone and doesn’t want to admit that she is human. Besides, who cares what other people think anyway, right?

One man asked Angie Lum why she thinks that racial discrimination is still such a big problem in the United States. She responded by saying “because no one wants to be thought less of, no one wants to feel less about themselves. That’s why there are so many more obese people than people of other races… because so many people don’t want to deal with it.” Wow, thanks a lot, Ms. Lum.

Well, I guess that wraps it up for my article on Angie Lum. Her platform to speak out for the rights of all people, even those who happen to be shorter than she is, should be something she continues to do. Heightism is a major problem, and it needs to be addressed by all Americans – not just the token white woman who happens to be President of the National Bar Association.
