Making Love As a Height Difference – A Story About Successful Marriages


The case of Casey Fathi is a perfect example of how you can be too tall and still get married. According to Casey Fathi, an Indian American telecast and motivational speaker, the reason for being of average height is due to nationality and family heritage – in this case, he is Pakistani and his spouse is Egyptian. Although both are technically Indian, they are so different that despite living so close by, they cannot truly relate to each other – and as such, they often find themselves being frustrated with their situation and married to someone who does not understand their needs.

However, there are ways to overcome such hardships. Through marriage, one can at least be able to at least call the other “partner”. Although not officially recognised as such, being of the same nationality gives a sense of pride – just like if you are of Irish or Italian descent, you would feel a certain degree of pride when referring to your partner. However, being of the same nationality such as Pakistani or Egyptian does not mean that you share the same interests and the same identity – it means you are partners who have found a way to live and love despite being of different heights.

Fortunately, there are ways to make your partner feel accepted and loved no matter their nationalities or heights. For one, Fathi has created a website called My Partner, where he aims to break down these differences between people of different heights by proposing that marriage is a fair relationship – where people should not feel judged by their height. He also encourages couples who feel at a disadvantage due to their height to be aware that they are not alone – there are many others out there who are trying to make things work. On top of these, Fathi also advocates the use of a parrot in showing respect for others by speaking slowly and with patience – a parrot is not physically intimidating like a taller person and will make you look and feel more confident in your abilities as a spouse.
