Height Or Nationality – Is a Height Or Ethnic Factor Important When Dating?


Casey Shannon is a celebrity who has been in the public eye for a long time, and it seems as though she will be around forever more. Her Nationality is American, and her real name is Casey Lee Scott. She was married to Richard Speyer, who died in 1996 at the age of 33. Their son, Matt Murdock, is half African American and has dual citizenship.

The Nationality issue arose when Casey tried to get involved in a relationship with an Asian man in an online dating website. Despite being told that she had great skin, nationality or height, she was refused the date and asked why. The reason given was that Nationality is a factor in dating, and that perhaps her skin wouldn’t ‘do’ Asian men. It seems that Casey was a little disappointed by this response, but didn’t let the setback affect her professional life, or her view of herself as a model.

Height is another Nationality issue, which has become a bit of a problem in recent years. Height is often an issue for model hopefuls, but it certainly isn’t a problem for actors and actresses. In fact, Nationality is used so much in movies and television now, that many actors are almost forced into playing someone of a certain nationality (e.g. Brad Pitt plays a Hispanic, or Jessica Simpson playing a blonde). But how important is height really to a potential partner?
