Casey Calvert’s Public Image


Casey Calvert is an American adult entertainment personality and performer. She is most famous for being married to nationally-known motivational speaker and actor Les Grossman. Her official website lists her height is 158 cm, but according to a close friend who knew her while she was growing up, she actually stands taller than average. Casey is a graduate of San Diego State University and currently works as a teacher at Canyon Crest College in Encinitas, California. Prior to this, she worked as a receptionist in a high-profile advertising agency. In her free time, she has pursued a modeling, acting, voice over work, and blogging as a lifestyle coach and online writer.

Casey Calvert’s public life has been filled with twists, turns, and controversy, particularly as of late. On the inside, it seems that Casey has been battling depression, coming out of a relationship in which she was deeply unhappy and blamed herself for the death of her grandmother. This turned her world upside down, literally, as a brief biography of her reveals that she was born with a birthmark just below her collar bone, a fact that people who knew her personally say made her severely depressed. She had also been the target of many public embarrassments, such as being the center of one of the pranks that plagued Congress’ majority leader, John Barasso, which resulted in a public confrontation when it was revealed that she had used the photo of Barasso with the cross over her head in a public event as a publicity stunt.

On the outside, Casey is often photographed wearing glamorous clothes and carrying designer bags, working in top-of-the-line restaurants, and dating celebrities from all walks of life. It is clear that this picture-perfect image that is Casey’s has been carefully manufactured for public consumption. What is more difficult to ascertain is whether or not her life-style is realistic, especially considering that she rarely discusses her private life, and often shies away from discussing her father’s alcoholism, mental illness, and financial woes. All indications are that the public sees Casey as a successful, attractive woman, one who makes a good mother, wife, and assistant at her high-powered job. Whether or not this picture-perfect life is realistic is a question that only she can answer.
