Belle Shickle is a fictional character created by E.L. James for her young adult novels. She portrays a young woman who lives in the rural English countryside during the 19th century and falls in love with a boy in her class. Her best friend, a man called Will, helps her search for men for love both happily and romantically. Belle is described as an independent woman who has an unfulfilled professional and romantic life because of the kind of employment she never attains.
Age is used as the basis of gender, nationality and appearance when it comes to Shickle’s character. In one story, she is described as being thirty years old in age but according to other stories and records, she may have actually been much younger or much older. Class and social status have very little bearing on this young woman’s choice in a partner for love but is instead motivated by what the job and the money to bring. Belle’s determination to find a partner regardless of how old they are also reflects on her determination to be successful in her chosen profession.
Belle Shickle’s height is not used to describe her age but rather the kind of clothes she wears. Some sources indicate that she was around three feet in height which would place her at about 170 cm in age but other accounts describe her as being even younger. Her Nationality is not specified in any sources but some accounts do note that she was born in Ireland but was British while her father was American. Height is only used as a stipulation in a fictional work of fiction in order to distinguish between various fictional characters who may have different nationalities or heights.