Claire Andreewitch


Claire Andreewitch is a British legal professional and an employment solicitor. Claire has many years’ experience in a variety of fields including working in the government, private sector, international relations and media. She is married to an American man and has two grown up children, one of which is American-alian descent.

Claire has spent much of her career as a paralegal working for attorneys, accountants and other professionals within the legal profession, so it comes as no surprise that she has spent the last twenty years building up a lucrative, full-time career as a writer. Claire’s recent novel, “White Teeth” will be her first novel in decades, so you can bet that her career path will cross with many other popular names in the legal writing field. She has already established a reputation as a top-notch writer, so the big question is just how long until she becomes the next Andreewitch?

Her partner, Paul Meaney, is described as a brilliant legal practitioner and extremely likable character in the novel. The only other main character, a certain John McKedrick, is described as a younger, less polished version of Andreewitch. It should be noted that there is quite an age gap between these main characters, which suggests that lawyers are sometimes more willing to accept clients in their late twenties or even younger than that. With some great reviews of White Teeth already out, it appears as if Claire Andreewitch could have quite a career ahead of her, so it’s time to get your pen and paper out and start writing!
