Claire Shado


Claire Shado is a Canadian actor and singer, who became famous due to her association with the punk subculture. She went on to have a number of popular albums with bands such as the Police, and has also had several run-ins with the law – most notably for marijuana possession. After being arrested and convicted for the second time, she was set to undergo sex offender treatment but was told that she would need to complete one more term of rehabilitation before becoming eligible for release. She then went into rehab for drug addiction and after serving her time, began a relationship with a man called Paul Varjak – with whom she lived in London, working in a menial job and going to nights out on the town.

Paul became very serious about his relationship with Claire, to the point where they decided to marry in a lavish hotel room inrake during the Christmas of their second year of marriage. However, things took a turn for the worse when, having already spent three months at home, she discovered that Paul was having an affair with another woman. It was during this period that her true identity as Claire Shado was revealed to her family and friends, and she was forced to make a personal decision as to what she would do about her identity.

After some time away from the public eye, Claire returned to the stage, where she continued to work hard in her chosen profession while maintaining a relationship with her long-term partner. Theirs was a carefully orchestrated media campaign that enabled Claire to maintain a level of anonymity while staying connected to her family, friends and fans. When Paul became suspicious of Claire’s new lover, he confronted her, but was told that it was simply a case of jealousy – and that she was just trying to move on with her life. The couple separated shortly afterwards, and Claire began to gradually rebuild her life.
