What Age Requirements Do Natalia Maymon Specialise In?


Natasha Maymon has been a divorce attorney for thirty-five years, and in that time she has seen many marriages end in divorce. However, as one of the more experienced lawyers in her area, she has seen plenty of weddings come together even when both spouses are of the same nationality. There are many different nationalities and combinations out there when it comes to marriage and it is often difficult to draw the line as to what nationality should be taken into account in a particular marriage case. It can be difficult, especially for those who have moved from one country to another, or even if you have moved from one state to another but want your marriage to remain a state exclusive to you, but that is why Ms. Maymon is a competent lawyer.

The first factor of which she looks at in any marriage case that she represents is the age of the partners. It is common knowledge that over two-thirds of all marriages end in divorce because the partners are of different nationalities. For instance, Natalia Maymon’s clients are clients who originally came from Spain but later married Americans. When the marriage did not end happily, Natalia Maymon represented the couple and fought hard to ensure that their marriage was treated justly and that the children were raised by American parents. She fought hard for their nationality and the right to have their children speak only American-Spanish and only after they were American citizens.

Maymon also represents people who wed in other states but have a substantial amount of money to pay for the marriage. When a couple does this, they often do so for reasons of convenience and to save time. This is why an age requirement is not always necessary as money can be easily used to pay for the marriage. Sometimes, however, such as when one party is under forty, it is advisable to require a proof of age, which could be a birth certificate, a passport or a legal decree stating that the couple is legally married.
