Natasha Daly


Recently Natasha Daly was arrested in handcuffs after being arrested on suspicion of DUI by the California Highway Patrol. The arrest occurred at about 11pm on Sunday, when a police officer saw Ms. Daly outside her rented car, walking with someone and they noticed that the person was trying to fit through an open window. Ms. Daly is a trained professional who runs her own business, so it was not surprising for her to be carrying a bottle of liquor.

The officer noticed that the person that she was with was about 5ft 10in in height and the smell of alcohol came from the man’s breath. The officer asked Ms. Daly to step out of the vehicle, and the two parties were removed to the station where Ms. Daly was questioned further by the DUI unit. During this questioning, it emerged that Ms. Daly had was trying to get her partner to agree that they were indeed in fact the same height. When given the opportunity to explain herself, Ms. Daly denied that she was trying to get her partner to make a height difference in their relationship. This explanation did not go down well with the arresting officer, as he arrested Ms. Daly for suspicion of driving under the influence, and subsequently she was taken to the station to await trial.

It was also found out that Ms. Daly had told her husband that she was 5ft 10in in height, which resulted in the arrest and subsequent prosecution. Despite all of this, Ms. Daly has retained an attorney who has stated that there is no evidence that she committed a DUI while in custody, and that it was merely a tactic that she had used in order to try and get her partner to agree that they were indeed the same height. The trial will begin on 4th November, and will most likely result in a dismissal of the case by the District Attorney. In a statement to the press, Natasha Daly maintained that the whole situation was blown out of proportion by the media and that the entire matter between her partner was nothing more than a misunderstanding, and that they were just friends. She also indicated that she would not stand any chance of getting a retrial if the case goes to trial.
