Height and Weight Gain


Natasha Tarasova is one of the taller and more well known Russian supermodels. She has built a reputation both in Russia and internationally as one of the most attractive and beautiful women of her times, but does this translate into big bucks for her or a decent career in modeling? Natalia’s parents are from Ukraine and speak both languages, so it is not surprising that her mother would be French and her father a Czech. However, considering her looks, height and natural beauty, Natalia may well have been chosen over thousands of other models simply because her father tongue was not English.

So what does height mean to you? Do you consider height an advantage or disadvantage? Does height give you an advantage in a job interview, or can you work in a less glamorous field? Do you believe people who are naturally tall have been favored in societies like those of the Russian President and his close circle of friends, who could also be considered royalty? Do you believe height is a social stigma and is there anything you can do about it, or should you just let nature takes its course?

In fact, I think it is possible that height is not a major factor in your life, especially when you consider height as an advantage and not a disadvantage. For example, most of my friends who are naturally tall usually end up having jobs in business or politics, whereas many shorter people have failed in their chosen careers because they became obese or developed a foot problem that kept them from running. So I think you need to consider the height and weight gain objectively and not on a case by case basis. Nevertheless, I have myself become slightly taller by following an exercise regime and I also know several other tall people who also have experienced good success in their chosen career.
