Advice From an American Female Model on a Nationality and Height Difference


Natasha Benton is an American woman who recently became a world famous model after winning the Miss USA title in 2021. She has gone on to play an inspirational role in many movies and is now trying her hand in writing books, acting and advising other people about love, relationships and even weight loss and health. Recently, she made an appearance on the Oprah show where she discussed her views on relationships and her views on nationality. In her appearance, Natasha presented herself as a strong, intelligent, charming and a very loyal person all wrapped up in a very beautiful and petite body. The Oprah show decided to feature her story and her advice on relationships and the subsequent reaction has been extremely positive with many American celebrities supporting the message.

When speaking about her views on relationships, Natasha often referred to herself as a “good-girl-in-the-kitchen” and claimed that not being taller than the men in her life had nothing to do with her success. It seems that she actually thinks that relationships are built on relationships and that tall men are incapable of providing the stability or emotional support required in a relationship as compared to their shorter date mates. However, I was a bit confused as to what she meant when she said that the lack of height was irrelevant, because if you look at her bio on her site it states that Natasha has always worked hard to be of height for her role as a model.

I personally would like to know what advice she is giving women who want to balance their relationship, as well as their professional lives. A few of my friends have been known to complain about their height, which they attribute to being of nationality or descent, but honestly if you are looking for stability in a relationship, then you probably wouldn’t care about your height too much. So, I would advise her to keep quiet about her nationality or descent and concentrate on finding a boyfriend or a husband who shares her interests and who is also tall. After all, what’s the difference if you’re both short?
