How Can Height Help You Build a Long Lasting Relationship?


Natasha Gross is a contributing writer for The Insider magazine and has written articles about dating, relationships, high heels, and even fashion. She’s a woman who understands high heels, the importance of height, and how your looks can affect the way you feel about yourself. Her articles are not only interesting but are also enlightening.

In her article, “Height and Partner Quality,” Natasha discusses how height and personal nationality do not relate to one another; instead it is the quality of your relationship that should count. Height or being tall does not guarantee you’ll have a long lasting relationship because you’re more likely to talk about yourself in terms of your height. When you date someone, it’s important to talk to them about themselves, not their height. A tall woman might be able to get a much deeper voice or have more self confidence than a petite woman, so that’s something to consider when considering your relationship.

If you think your relationship could use a little more spice, it is important to take it slow. If there are any signs your partner is pressuring you to talk about yourself more than usual, or if there is already an issue between you, then it might be time to bring up the topic of your own nationality or height. By using your height or nationality as a tool to discuss your relationship with your partner, it will help them see that you’re interested in them for more than your height or weight. If you truly care about your partner, they will appreciate this extra effort on your part.
