Age of Natasha Schastlivaya – Best Mother’s Name


Natasha Schastlivaya is the Nationality: American in origin and at the age of 38, a professional woman in the law. She has a master’s degree in National Security Law, an MBA from Kaplan University and is an adjunct instructor at an Oregon State University Department of Defense Law School. She has also worked for the United States Department of State as a translator and counselor.

She was a Nationality: American by birth and had been married to a U.S. citizen for over 20 years while serving as an active duty Army Officer in Vietnam. She has two children. When diagnosed with breast cancer in early 2021, Nat started undergoing chemotherapy as treatment and the next thing she knew, Nat was a mother and Nationality: American. Her second diagnosis was that of gallstone pancreatitis, which necessitated another change in the plan of treatment. Nat has been extremely lucky to be undergoing treatment and is in the clear at this time.

Nat and her husband were Nationality: American when they got married in 1984. They got along well as husband and wife and never had any trouble sharing their joint finances or going their separate ways. In fact, they were so close that they would discuss everything, even the minor details of their lives and their plans for the future. It became complicated however, when her husband decided to move to a different state and Nat had to quit her job as a translator and a legal assistant because of the extra responsibility. She has bounced back and is now in the best possible health, while still managing to be the very best mother that she can be thanks to her love for her family and her determination to become a better person both personally and professionally.
