Natasha Kravchuk


Natasha Kravchuk is an outstanding actress, a two-time Golden Globe nominee and has played vital roles in some of Hollywood’s best films. Born in Ukraine, Ms. Kravchuk moved to Canada as a young girl and was initially raised in Brooklyn, New York City. She attended college in both Canada and England studying drama. While at the College of Saint Benildon in London, she discovered an interest in acting and enrolled at an American university in the states, hoping to gain an English degree.

Upon graduation, however, it was not to be and she instead became a naturalized citizen of the USA. Her decision to take on a dual citizenship was not well received in her native country and so she later opted for a career in acting where she would play such diverse characters as an Indian bride in “Sneakers”, a Russian spy in “Get Shorty”, an ethnic minority teenager in “A History of Seven Hills” and a terminally ill cancer patient in “The Goodbye Man”. It was while filming “A History of Seven Hills” that Natasha started to explore her other options in playing an ethnic minority woman. That led her to becoming a celebrity on Broadway, where she had a major breakout role in “Les Miserables”, but that did not preclude her from pursuing a career in movies where ethnicity was not a problem. For example, her memorable turn in the Coen brothers’ “Amadeus” earned her a Best Actress award at the 2021 Oscars.

Natasha Kravchuk lives in New York City now and her acting career is only in its earliest stages. She has a loyal following among the hardcore Russian-American and New York theatre enthusiasts and her popularity has continued to grow with time. Some of her roles to come include appearing in the TV series “Heroes”, “X Factor” and “The Firm”. Her extensive filmography also includes such notable films as “Yuri elkaim” and “A History of 7 Hills”.
