The Height Problem of Natasha Boratin


Natasha Boratin is a woman with an interesting height problem, which she attributes to being of Jewish descent. She was born in New Jersey but calls herself an Ethnic Russian. The only known family member of such a stock, however, is her brother.

It seems that in her case there was a great deal of pain and anxiety associated with this, even if it was never brought up or mentioned by her parents, she was brought up to believe that she was not of this stock. At the age of eighteen she was married, having previously been engaged with a man of the same nationality, whom she considered just a friend. This marriage, supposedly for financial reasons, produced no children, nor did it lead to another. She remained, throughout her life, unhappy and unsatisfied with her lot in life.

In her first book, which was written while she was still single, she talks about her unhappy marriage and the sense of loneliness it caused her. It seems that in her mind, to stop being alone, she thought it would be a good idea to give in to her Russian identity, though this was against the cultural norm at the time. She finally returned to her homeland, only to find that her husband had made a move towards Jewish culture, and that they were both deeply involved in it. Shortly thereafter, they divorced. The divorce, it is hoped, may have been one of the causes of her eventual height woes.
