How to Find Your Life Partner by Using a Special Jewish Dating System


Noam Ifergan is a Nationality, Age and Partner Expert and was born in Israel. She is the founder of the “TOM” program (Torah Training for Nationality, Marriage and Family Therapy) which instructs couples on how to find their life partners by using a series of seven-step programs. As an author of more than twenty books and consultant, Ifergan is well regarded in the field of marriage and family therapy. Her credentials are held by the American Board of Professional Psychology and the American Counseling Association. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Family Therapy and a Certificate in Counseling and Supervision.

If you are Jewish and seeking to marry a Jewish nationality, then Noam Ifergan should be of interest to you. Noam will help you understand whether your partner is eligible for conversion under the Law of Moses and according to the Reform and Conservative movements. If you are not Jewish and are of the opinion that you will convert some day; then you should know whether or not you can get a Passover Matzo with a Jewish partner without performing the marriage ceremony according to the Law of Moses. Noam will also help you understand whether a Jewish nationality like Russian, Moldavian, or Lithuania is compatible with you and your spouse according to the Orthodox Rabbis.

You should note that if you are not comfortable reading this type of material then you might want to hire a life coach who can explain these concepts in a way that you understand. If you would like to know how to find your life partner then you should consider searching online using keywords like “nationality search”; “life partner search” or “Jewish dating search”. These keywords will bring you to a wide array of sites where you can find your life partner. Noam Ifergan has been instrumental in bringing many people back into the Jewish faith through her popular courses “The Jewish Guide to Finding a Partner” as well as her other works. Her expertise as a marriage and family therapist will make your journey much easier.
