Brazilian Soccer Star – Noemi Vola


Noemi Vola is a young, talented Brazilian soccer player. She plays for Fluminense of Brazil and she is the youngest player currently with that team. The first time I saw her on TV, she looked very tall and slim and it was obvious that she had been trained extensively at a very high level. When interviewed by the press, she indicated that she trained with the best players, which speaks well for her physical qualities, but also indicates that she has the ability to overcome any challenges that might come her way in the game of soccer.

It was a while ago when Noemia was a member of the Brazilian team that won the bronze at the Olympics games. Even though she was just 16 then, the fact that she fought her way to the quarter finals only under the guidance of Helio da Barra, who is now the coach of FC Barcelona, is testament to her ability as a true champion in the game of soccer. Brazilians pride themselves on their sport, which is why they have produced such great players such as Ronaldo, Pele and Diego Maradona. However, despite her obvious talent, Noemia is yet to be signed by a top club in Europe, although that may soon change.

As mentioned above, Noemi Vola is a talented athlete. However, her path to fame has been far from straightforward. Being shorter than many of her female peers is not an issue for soccerers of her stature. However, soccer fans in Brazil refer to her as a ‘shorty’, which may not be an insult. Despite being shorter than some of her peers, Noemia has proven that being shorter does not equate to a lesser talent. With her natural height and with the soccer skill that come with natural height, Noemia should continue to strive for greater achievements in her sport and in her life.
