How to Grow Taller and Find Partners


In the second of a two part expose of the National Association of Speedy Climbers (NASC), Alora Truesdell and her partner Michael Baits, explore a multitude of topics, ranging from finding partners to managing your lifestyle as an adult. Part one looked at how to grow taller by following a fitness regimen. Part two delved into how to handle an increased weight and how your lifestyle can influence your height growth. This article will concentrate on the importance of being honest about your own height or age, and the impact of national origin.

Height honesty is essential if you want to maximize your height and grow tall. As we have established, height and nationality do not have a great deal to do with each other; instead, being honest about your actual height will greatly improve your chances of finding someone who is taller or of finding a partner of similar stature. While you may not believe it, there is a good chance that, in a large population, the average height for males will be longer than for females and the same goes for nationalities.

Knowing your height and nationality will allow you to locate others who are of like interest to you and will increase your dating options. If you are already involved with someone, your relationship may be helped in its progression by knowing their height and nationality. Being honest about your height and nationality will also allow you to know your approximate height in relation to other taller people. While the numbers may not always add up to a precise number, it will provide you with a starting point, allowing you to better communicate with others, whether you are dating them or not.
