Alora Sultana – Royal Mother of the Geographies


Alora saasam means “the beautiful one”, and in Moroccan folk tradition, a woman is called a sultana by her family. The sultana is also often known as the matri, meaning mother. According to legend, if a sultana’s son becomes a doctor, she may request her son not marry his own cousin, or else he will be required to marry the daughter of her rival, and the cycle of relationship continuation will continue.

This is the reason why Alora salsa is also known as Moradine, meaning “beautiful girl”. It was the sultana, who was responsible for the creation of the profession. She did so in order to provide young women with an opportunity to become a sultana, but in keeping with tradition, she usually married first and held that post for a century. After that, she became the Matri, or bride of another, and from there, moved on to become the Grand sultana.

In other traditions, the Matri is also the Mother of the faithful, the wife of the king, or some such title. It is interesting to note that Alora salsa is also known as Aroz spasm, or “queen of sciences”. It is interesting to note that in Islamic law, it is the duty of a woman to have children, which can further explain Alora saasam ‘age’. But whatever her title, the sultana Alora was very popular and famous, and she was a prominent personality in her time.
