Anna Naylor


Anna Naylor is an American writer and photographer best known for creating the National Geographic magazines which feature her articles about gardening, wildlife, animals, etc. However, Anna Naylor was much more than a gardener and her title partner over 40 years has earned her a great deal of respect worldwide as a pioneering woman. They met in 1947 when Anna was a 16-year-old girl who was sent to live with her aunt in Pennsylvania. When her father died her mother insisted that Anna Naylor travel to Ohio to be with her cousin, however she had other ideas and on arriving there found a job as a nanny in a nearby hotel. While there she fell in love with this man who became her husband and they had two children.

Anna was able to maintain her husband’s respect due to her title as a housekeeper, however as her husband grew older she began to lose respect for him as he grew in stature. As a result of their growing disparity Anna began to take on supplementary jobs such as washing cars in order to help pay the bills and they both treated their relationship lightly. But in time, the distance between them deepened and it was clear that the lack of intimacy between them was causing problems in their marriage. One day as Anna Naylor was washing a car in their driveway, she noticed a small dog tied up outside the home. Upon approaching the dog she discovered it was a pit bull terrier, which was in fact the very same dog that had run away from them decades earlier.

Their friendship was restored and Anna always returned the favor whenever she had occasion to wash a car and even offered to wash the cars herself in the months following their divorce. It was then that the once diminutive Naylor decided that being tall enough to be a national personality was what she wanted. In fact she went on to write several books of the same subject as The Naylor Lattes series that chronicled her life and career. This article discusses the many titles that are associated with her writing including: Naylor Lattes: A Celebration of Growth, The Naylor Lattes Way, and Anna Naylor: On Being Tall.
