About Eliana Becker – Is She American Or Greek?


We all know that Eliana Becker is one of the most beautiful ladies in the world, and indeed this is true. Her face is always showing innocence, elegance and a hint of fun. This is a lady who knows how to carry herself in a very suave way which will appeal to many men. However, it is her height that makes her such an attractive person and that can easily be seen in the pictures which have made her an icon of modern art. It is a fact that even the most famous and rich persons cannot escape being associated with Eliana Becker, even if they are not Russian.

The most interesting fact is that this star is 30 years old and yet looks like she is still a young girl. This is a result of the way she carries herself. She is gentle, sweet and extremely kind, even if she is working hard at the movies. All these traits are evident from the many magazines that feature Eliana Becker as a featured personality. However, her nationality has always been interesting to us.

At one time we thought that Eliana Becker was Austrian, but we were proved wrong. We knew that this talented lady worked for Universal Pictures but actually she was born in Greece, lived there for a couple of years and finally decided to come to America. We believe that it was due to her nationality that she finally decided to work in Hollywood. Her height is one of the reasons why we think that she is so great as an actor and actress. This is the reason why people like Becker are still in demand even though they have reached the prime of their lives. It is a sad fact that there are people out there who only look up to those who are taller than them, but we do believe that Eliana Becker is the type of person who will go the extra mile in order to be taken seriously in Hollywood.
